Global Friends in Action

Global Friends in Action envisions a world where all citizens have hope, dignity and the tools to advance the greater protection of their rights. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen opportunities for all people to meet their full potential and to participate in decisions that help them realize their human rights.

We are a collective of global non-profit professionals who have a common passion for working alongside local communities to combat injustice and amplify voices at the margins.  

Our Programs

We are working with communities globally to build programs that strengthen individuals' understanding of their rights and how to claim them.

Programs to date have centered on health and human rights in Zambia /our-history-7, digital security and privacy, poverty and human rights, as well as entrepreneurs' rights in Asia.

Program Snapshot: Hope House

Hope House provides vulnerable Zambian youth with employment
skills training and supports them as they enter the job market.


Students who get jobs shortly
after completing training


Students participating in apprenticeships during training


Total number of young people trained who gain access to new job opportunities


Trainees who are double and single orphans, respectively

90%: 10%

Average female to male trainees


Students in program who have
one or more child to support

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